
I know no one really reads my writing and that is fine. This is more about me getting better at writing and putting my thoughts down.

Who would of thought that these last 2 years would be this crazy and put strain onto the entire world.

With this world problem I can only talk about what’s happened to me and my surroundings. First of all my business is pretty much done and I am gonna have to go back for school to learn something new because my job doesn’t pay enough .

My school job which is full time is a lot of fun but the pay isn’t great. Which is a shame because the job is great.

My business in case you were wondering is that I am a myotherapist which is a cross between a physio, chiropractic which is a very hands-on physical therapy.

What can I say this is just a crazy time with way too many questions than there are answers. Life was so comfortable and easy before this all happened.

Good luck to everyone else as I am sure there are many people like me in the same boat trying to float by.

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